Sunday, May 17, 2009

Champions: Man Utd

This post's title is not the easiest thing for me to write, but it's a fact that no one can deny. Man Utd secured their title last nite with a draw against Arsenal. From the game, again, I would say Arsenal is no longer a title challenger, and don't seem to be able to raise their game to threaten Man Utd. So if Arsenal don't seriously strenthened their squad for next season, they will again be a 4th place team.

So, congrats Man Utd and their fans. You guys had certainly did it again, and with style and ease. Liverpool... you lost your chance, and you better improved, and stop relying too much on Torres and Stevie G.. With the current team, and without the duo, you don't seem to be capable of assaulting for the BPL title next season.

And Chelsea...hmmm.. they actually have the mentality and the they need to have a tactical coach (Brazilian coaches rely more on individual performance of their players then tactics). But even if they do win some titles, they will not create a generation of greatness like Man Utd. Their players is at their peak, and there are not enough young players to mature through the rank and filled the gaps by the older players. So if they want to continue winning, they need to keep on buying new players, which will very much depends on whether their boss will want to continue forging out huge money..

But this moment, it's for Man Utd and their fans to celebrate.. " We are the champions, my friennnnd "..

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